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The most frequently asked questions about pilot Census


What is a Census?

United Nations defined the Census as follows: a complete process of collecting, evaluating, analysing, and publishing demographic, economic, and social data of all people in a country at a specified time. This definition is valid for housing counts. As in any part of the world, these two counts have been carried out at the same time in Curaçao since 1971.

Who will be counted during the Census?

Each person who lives more than 1 year on the island.
Each person who during the Census lives less than 1 year but plans to live more than 1 year on the island.
People who are part of a family in a house have to fill out the Census questionnaire.
Persons living temporarily in a homestay are counted as living in that homestay and will be counted in the Census.
People who died during the census season (9 march 12:00 AM)

Who will NOT be counted in Census?

  • Tourists
  • Persons who are living less than 1 year on Curaçao and who do not have the intention of staying for 1 year or more on Curaçao (e.g. persons that come to Curaçao to work for only a few months or persons that work abroad and that only come to Curaçao during their vacation) Curaçao's that live abroad (e.g. students)
  • Soldiers who stay less than 1 year on Curaçao

How often does a Census take place?

The Census takes place according to the principles and recommendations of the United Nations and is held every 10 years

In how many languages ​​is the pilot Census questionnaire?

The questionnaire of the Census 2023 is in 4 languages. The preferred language to answer the questions can be chosen from: Papiamento, Spanish, English and Dutch.

Which topics will be asked durning the Census?

The topics are as follows:

*Building Point Information
*Type of Living Accommodation
*Demography and migration
*Labour market
*Type of living accommodation
*Water Supply
*Shower and Toilet Facilities
*Property Rights/Type of Owner
*Communication/Other Facilities in the Living Accommodation
*Disturbance/Nuisance in Surrounding Areas

For more detail on these topics and what questions they can ask you about you can visit the website and read in the Pilot Census Manual

How am I sure that the person who contacted me is a CBS worker?

All CBS workers will have an identification badge along with them. On top of this badge there is his/her name, and a photo. When the CBS worker approach you, they will properly identify himself.

If you are still doubting that the person who approach you is a CBS worker, you can always call 839-2300 or send a whatsapp to +59995202227 to verify the worker's identity.

Am I obliged to participate?

Basically every citizen is obliged to participate in the researches done by the CBS. For some research
(mostly researches concerning companies) this obligation, if necessary, is actually being enforced by the
CBS. For researches that are being done from door to door (for example a Census) no penalties are being
imposed on the home owners if they refuse to give their cooperation. However, the CBS finds it more
important that people cooperate willingly and hopes to be able to convince them of the importance for
everybody to cooperate, through providing information in an effective manner.

How can I be sure that my information is being dealt with in a confidential manner?

Everybody that in one way or another is connected to the Census, is obliged by law to deal in a
confidential manner with the information that came to their attention when executing activities related
to the Census. Persons whom trespass this law will be persecuted. All information gathered during then Census will only be used to produce statistics.

Do I have to provide my real name?

Even though the Pilot Census 2021 questionnaire asks for the name of the persons who are part of the household, this information is solely used to fill in the questionnaire in an easier manner. It is not necessary to fill in the complete name. A nickname or the persons’ initials can also be chosen or simply the person can be identified as: mom, dad, child, grandmother, grandfather, etc. Once this information is analyzed, the ‘names’ will be discarded and converted into a number (person 1, 2, 3, etc.).